The nice new crib that grandma and grandma kunz gave to Casey because he was growing out of his other one! It looks really nice in his room and he LOVES it so much he's always wanting to climb in and go night night!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Baby Shower and New Things
My sister and aunt through me a baby shower on Thursday! It was a lot of fun with yummy food and cute gifts for baby Lexi! Thanks to everyone who came!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Always doing something
Updates on Casey
Casey's new thing is being able to open candy and throw away the wrapper when you tell him to. He's also become very polite by saying "please" and "thank you" all of the time. It's so cute to watch him grow up and he really talks up a storm. Casey is also able to put a couple of words together. My favorite ones are "I ou you" (I love you), "I go outside" and "night night."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
36 weeks 3 days. Only 3 1/2 more weeks!
Well, I've made progress from last weeks appointment. I'm now dialted to a good 2 and 80% effaced. So I'm hoping things will just keep moving right along. It's been so much fun getting things ready for Lexi, its become more real now. We're almost prepared for her. We got the crib set up, the diaper bag ready for both Casey, Lexi & I. We've got her dresser and changing table set with all pink clothes! The only thing we haven't done is put Lexi's carseat in the car which we're planning to do later today. We're just so excited for her to come! We're pretty sure Casey is excited for the new baby to come also. We went to the mall and got her a cute levi jacket from gap and he insisted on carrying the bag! He's just growing up so fast!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I went to my doctors appointment and found out at 35 1/2 weeks along that I'm already dialated to a 1, 70% effaced and Lexi has already dropped. I couldn't believe it. The dr. said she's most likely going to come early! Perfect News right?! I'm so excited and now I KNOW I have to really crack down and finish altering Alexis wedding dress. We'll see what happens next week when I got to another appointment.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
35 weeks and counting down
Me and my 35 week belly. I'm starting to get really uncomfortable but I'm super excited that I only have to hang in for less than 5 weeks or less, hopefully no more than that. Keep in mind that I ate spinach and artichoke dip, salad and all of my pork chops and mashed potatoes that I got at the garden (on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial building) before they took my picture. I'm really excited to go to my dr. appointment this week and find out if I'm starting to dialate. Now I have dr. app every week so that makes me happy! I'm sure Lexi is waiting for me to finish altering Alexis' dress so I'm rushing to do that and I'll have to post pictures later.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
I love my men in combat boots
Monday, February 8, 2010
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