1st run a 6 mile ruck march with your ACU's on, 40 lbs strapped to your back and in 2 hours or less but you can't run a mile in less than 15 minutes.
2nd climb a 15 feet rope.
3rd inspect cargo and find 3 out of 4 things wrong with it before it gets picked up.
4th run a 12 mile ruck march with ACU's on, 40 lbs strapped to your back and finish in 4 hours or less but you can't run a mile in less than 15 minutes, plus at the end take out everything you carried and you can't have one thing missing or else you don't graduate.
*Kyle said a lot of people dropped out day zero and with the cargo inspection. They also teach you a lot of detailed information and you had to pass the test they gave you with a 70 or higher and Kyle got an 88! He also said right before they eat breakfast, lunch or dinner they have to do push-ups, diamond (air assault) push-ups, pull-ups etc. Kyle has already done everything but the 12 mile ruck march and he's almost done! I'm so proud of him! This is one of the hardest things he's had to have done and he's passing with flying colors! Only a couple more days and he'll be able to graduate from Air Assault! This will be a HUGE accomplishment!