Saturday, August 28, 2010
Salt Lake Wedding!
We went to the Salt Lake Temple for a wedding and it was a lot of fun!
Casey wanted to jump into the picture!
I wonder who these chubby legs belong to?!
They belong to Lexi Mariah Kunz!
Lexi, Uncle Mark and Kyle
Me and Alexis
Me, Alexis, Lexi, Susie and Josie
Making memories!
I watched my cousins son pick grass and set it on his uncle johns head and he didn't even seem to notice which made me laugh even more!
Casey and his one of a million funny faces!
Casey and Aunt Susie
Friday, August 27, 2010
A Twist on CNS
So the other night I made homemade chicken noodle soup (Emerils Recipe) and I ended up cooking the noodles way to long. They were so mushy I couldn't even eat it and I felt bad serving it to Kyle for dinner. But after we ate what we could which wasn't much I decided to seperate the yucky soggy noodles from the vegetables and broth. After I stored it in the fridge and thought about what I could do with all the leftovers....The next day a brilliant idea popped into my mind! I'll make CHICKEN POT PIE out of the leftovers. So I made a rue and added the chicken broth until it got thick and then added the vegetables and put it all in a big 11x13 glass baking pan. I made dough (barefoot contessa Recipe) and layed it on top. I baked it for an hour in the oven and it came out soo delicious! Kyle asked for the pot pie for days after!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Our Place!
These are some pictures of our place! Now, keep in mind I'm not done decorating and we still haven't gotten our sofa. We're waiting for our futon sofa bed to come in! We decided on a futon because I thought maybe my sister would want to stay at our place sometimes when her hubby is gone or if someone needs a place to stay for a night. This is just an idea of what it looks like. I didn't take pictures of the outside but we have a balcony and a storage outside which Casey loves to hang out and say goodbye to Kyle from! We love it here!
The Kitchen
The dining area (I love the floor!)
Caseys bedroom (until Lexi sleeps through the night, than she will share with him)
Casey and Lexi's closet
Our bedroom (Lexi is taking a nap on the bed..isn't she so cute!)
Our closet
The Family Room (waiting for our couch to be delivered, hopefully sometime next week it'll come! and I still haven't finished decorating the place as you can tell with the pictures lying on the floor)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
St. George
Our trip to St. George last week! We had a blast! We drove down with Alexis and Mark and stopped at Cove Fort for a little tour! We went swimming, shopping, the boys went hiking, played tennis, and layed out in the summer sun! Also while we were there Casey decided he wanted to go potty on the big toilet by himself! It was so nice he just came to me out of where and gave me his diaper and said potty. So I took him to the potty and he went #1 and #2 in the toilet! He went potty a couple of times and then when we got home it stopped. We'll have to try again. After everything is settled in our new apartment. Did I mention we moved? Yes, we moved to Orem right by UVU! I'll take pictures and post them in a couple of days when life isn't so hectic!

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Playing dress up
Kyle and I had way too much fun last night dressing Casey up in Kyles army clothes. Kyle has drill and he needed to unload all his armor stuff because they're shooting guns in preparation for their deployment. Kyle assured me he was not going to be deployed with his unit because he's contracted with the ROTC. But it still makes me a LITTLE nervous.

Friday, August 6, 2010
Tan Boy
Mr. Helper
Casey loves to help me out! One of the things he loves to do is fold laundry with me! Although he doesn't fold laundry the way I do he still does it pretty good for a 2 year old and the thought is all that counts!;
p.s. the way Casey folds laundry is stuff the shirt in a ball then lay it nicely on the bed in piles. ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Toy Story 3
Sunday, August 1, 2010
After 40 days...
After 40 days of waiting and waiting Kyle finally came HOME!! Our little Kunz Family is back together again! I had know idea how Casey would react when all of a sudden daddy came home. If you asked him where daddy was he would respond "daddy bye bye" but after a month and a half when Kyle walked up to the Halle's door to pick him up Casey ran to Kyle and yelled "Dyle, Dyle!" and ran into his arms! I was so happy to see Casey reaction towards Kyle! It was the best! And of course Lexi was laughing and smiling at Kyle! We couldn't be happier that Kyle is home with us! When he came back we decided to do a bunch of fun activites as a family before school starts so we went fishing with the Halles up in Ogden! It was so fun! We caught 8 fishes between the four of us in 30 minutes! We went to cold springs fishing farm and it was loaded with fish which made it so easy to catch some!

Kyle and Casey fishing together. He loved to hold the fishing pole.
Kyle and I each caught 2 fishes!
Alexis and Mark caught 2 fishes!
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