Well, I'm trying to catch up on my blogging. Hopefully, if I can get to it I'll
let you know what gender baby #3 is! We found out today and
we're really excited! I was very surprised by the gender but i'm trying
to let it sink in. I'd tell you now what the gender is but this will motivate me to finish posting
my other things.;)
On another note, Casey and Lexi are starting to play more with each other and
Casey is being a good big brother and making
Lexi her bottles. He also made the other day without
Kyle and I knowing scrambled eggs. We caught him after he
already cracked 2 eggs in a bowl and was begining to whisk it with a fork. I must say
he's pretty good. He only got a tiny piece of egg shell in the bowl and he was
kind enough to copy mommy and throw the egg shells into the sink (unlike what daddy would do).
Lexi got into daddy's styling gel and I tried my best to wipe
it out but her hair kind of went crazy in the process and was stuck