Monday, February 28, 2011

News of the Future

Today I found out that Kyle is leaving for Officer Basic Course in May and will finish in October. We have no idea if he'll be here to see our baby girl be born. Hopefully everything works out that he can come visit during his training. We're pretty sure I can't go with him so I'll probably stay here depending on how everything goes. We thought we would find out where we're going to be stationed before OBC but we won't find out until he goes. Were hoping for Hawaii!!! Hopefully we'll get stationed there! But who knows we could end up in Japan!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby Bump

So today we had another ultrasound and found out I'm
due a week later so I'm 19 weeks instead of 20. Our technican said
we'll get another ultrasound done when I'm 25 weeks along but
she showed us our little girl. When we first found
out it was a girl I guess I was only 16 weeks along
so I'm amazed they can tell that early but it's great to know what
we're having and that she is healthy!
Kyle thought of the name Lauri Ann so we're thinking
of naming her that!
Also, this pregnancy has seem to be passing by fast!
I'm hoping to make Lexi and the new baby
matching dresses before the baby comes but man
time flys by I can't believe i'm half way through
my pregnancy! I'm LOVING being pregnant and the 2nd trimester is
my FAMORITE because I'm not at the "are you pregnant or just getting fat?" or "you're huge"
stage! I can still see my toes and I'm not too tired although my
2 kids keep me busy but in a really good way!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Day!

For Valentines Day I made a "heart breakfast." Heart-shaped hashbrowns, omelet and
strawberrys. It was yummy and fun to make!

Friday, February 18, 2011


For Family Home Evening I gave the lesson on Nephi
and the gold plate. I love having a fun activity or treat to go with
family home evening so I made these scriptures.
Casey loved them and they were fun to eat!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

IT'S A.....

Aren't these 2 just cute! It looks like Casey and Lexi will
be getting a New SISTER!! It's a Girl!!!
We're really excited to be having another girl! I thought
it was a boy, along with Kyle but little Ammon
must be waiting to come down some other time.;)
We don't have a girl name decided so any suggestions we'd
love to hear!