I just wanted to show off my cute shirt! haha. Just kidding I really wanted to show off my pregnant belly. Not much of a belly but I soon will have one! We're really excited to be having Baby Kunz #4! Yep, 4 kids at the begining of next year! I'm so glad to be out of the first trimester! This pregnancy made me feel nauseas and even throw up a couple times. My poor kids had to see me lay around in bed a lot because I just didn't feel good. I needed many naps throughout the day. I'm hoping I'll have more energy during this 2nd trimester! At 10 weeks Kyle wanted to tell the kids and when he did Lexi and Casey were estatic! They talk about the baby a lot! Casey even said to me "mommy, maybe the baby will be a boy like me or maybe a girl like lexi." haha. I sure hope it would only be a boy or girl! Anyway, we're so happy and I love it when my sweet husband talks to the baby and kisses it good morning. My husband is such a keeper!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Our baby is 1
Saturday, July 21, 2012
5 year wedding anniversary
Was our 5 year wedding anniversary!
Wow! Where has the time gone?
Kyle had a busy day at work so I made him a heart sandwhich with a love note and other treats to go in his lunch. When Kyle got home for work we raced down to waikiki to the Kobe restaurant with the kids! I know! We love hanging out with our kiddos! haha! Well, actually I was sick along with the girls but we decided we didn't want that to get in our way so we decided to infect people we don't know and go down to waikiki where we knew no one we knew would be down there. haha. Although on our way down I wondered if I should've taken a friends offer to watch our sick kids but decided not to. I was tempted. But it turned out the kids were good and Lexi really got into it. When the cook made fire Lexi laughed and said "Mommy, he silly!" It was so cute! We enjoyed spending time together! Kyle made it a special night and I'm so glad I married him 5 years ago. I look at my life now and I'm so happy we have 3 little kids!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Casey and Liberty's Birthday!
Wow! It's already time to celebrate my little boy and baby girls birthday today! Casey turned 4 years old and Liberty 1! I can't believe 1 and 4 years ago I was in labor with these 2 kids! It amazes me that I was in labor 2 times on the same day! They had such a great day! We started off with a yummy breakfast! Well, Casey wanted peaches oatmeal and Liberty loves scrambled eggs and toast so they each got their favorite breakfast. After breakfast the kids had to wait until Daddy got home from pt so they could open their presents. Thanks so much to Grandma & Grandpa, Alexis, Mark, Josie, Jeff and Grandma and Grandpa Kunz for the lovely gifts! They loved them!
I split the room and had Casey decorations on one side and Libertys on the other! I wanted both of them to feel special on their Birthday!
Daddy came home so they could open their presents!
Casey was so excited to get this mickey shirt from his lovely Aunt Alexis and Uncle Mark and cousin Connie! Thanks guys! You're the BEST!
We gave Casey a new tricycle! He's having a good time testing it out!
Liberty eating her birthday dinner!
Liberty is making a wish!
Casey helped Liberty blow out her candle!
Casey's Thomas the Train birthday cake!
Lexi wanted to blow a candle too.
After eating birthday cake everyone needed a bath to clean up.
Happy Birthday to our sweet Casey and Liberty!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
On facebook I kept seeing others reading articles on magic mike. I have no idea who magic mike is and wasn't curious enough to read about him. I recently saw a friend post a link to a picture and artile of John Wayne which really caught my attention since I love old movie stars! Doris Day, John Wayne, Judy Garland and Gene Kelley are just some of the few old actors I love! So I clicked on the link and read the article and found that magic mike is a film that has to do with a male stripper or something. I was so glad it wasn't anything positive on magic mike because now I will NEVER watch magic mike. I'm actually quite disgusted. I love how the article lists wonderful attributes in what a real male is. I loved the list and my husband depicts ALL of the attributes on the list plus much more.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
4th of July
Wow! We had such a great 4th of July! On base, a couple of blocks away from our house was a fair set up. We walked over and the kids rode rides, played games, ate food and listened to music. It reminded me a lot of Utah! The kids really enjoyed.

They got to pet animals.
Casey rode a horse all by himself! What a big boy!
Casey and Lexi played lots of games and won lots of toys and candy!
They played miniture golf.
Liberty spent most of her day in the stroller where it was a little cooler.
After the fair we came home to get some KFC (Boyd tradition) and the kids threw pop-its.
Lexi would just dump her pop-its on the ground and stomp on them!
We watched the fireworks from our house because they were letting them off only a couple of blocks from our house.
I enjoyed just sitting on my bed while watching the fireworks.
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