Kyle in formation. Before we could see each other they made us wait with the soldiers backs to us. The suspense was too long for me!
Kyle waiting for his chance to get on stage on Graduation Day!
Kyle made it!
Kyle shaking the drill sergents hand.
A video clip of Kyles graduation!
Kyle with Elder and Sister Woodbury who have been kind enough to send me video clips of Kyle.
Us with the Janssen Family. (Josh, Holly and their 2 adorable kids Nathan and Morgan)
Kyle, Drill Sergeant McClain and Josh
Kyle and Suiava
Kyle and Casey waiting for food at Cracker Barrel.
Casey looks so much like Kyle.
Casey got a hold of my cell phone.
He realized he got caught.
Kyle with his battle buddy Labelle and his other friend Grichar. Both of them stayed at the same hotel as us and so they got to catch up with each other.
We ate at Applebees with the Janssen Family on graduation day! It was very good!
Casey spilled the cheerios which were on the desk then sat down and decided to eat them off of the floor.
Casey and I had fun doing laundry at the hotel.
Kyle took this picture of Casey after a long day of playing with him!
Kyle had a lot of fun reading Caseys elmo book to him as you can tell by their happy faces! They're so cute with each other!
This is how Casey looks after a long nap. Don't worry he was happy soon after when Kyle rough housed with him!
Casey wanted to play with the fire.
Kyle being a good daddy and watching him.
Our last day with Kyle. It was so sad to leave.
We took a stroll around the base. It was a really nice day considering that it snowed the day before.
Casey loved being on Kyles shoulders!
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