Friday, May 1, 2009

New Apartment

Here's some pictures of our new apartment. I'm not done decorating the bedroom but when I am I'll post some pictures. I also have some more decorating in the living room. I just love our new apartment!


Robins Fam said...

Nice!! Congrats on the new apartment, and it so great that Kyle will be home soon!!!! PS Love your background!

"F" said...

Your new apartment looks really nice. So why did you move? How are things going? Thats cool Kyle gets to be home soon. Hope all is well.

Dave and Lizzie said...

Cute apartment! I am SOO excited for you guys to be together as a family again in a few days!

Tucker & Tiffany said...

How fun! I bet you just can't wait for Kyle to come back! Yay!