Everyone that can view our blog knows about our journey in the military. Life in the military is very unpredictable! That is for sure! There are a lot of pros and cons to being in the military.
Pros: Free housing which includes utilities and maintenance, Free Health Care (not as good as civilian though), Cheap dental insurance (and I mean $12 a month cheap for our family), Discounts with military ID, Fly free on Space A, tropic lighting thursday (Are supposed to get home around 3 pm but Kyle doesn't always), The pay is good for us (It depends on your spouses rank though), They pay us food allowance for all of us and we feel fortunate to have a job during these rough economic times.
The cons: Staff Duty (you stay at work for 24 hours about 1-2 times a month), You don't get paid over time, Kyle comes home sometimes 10 at night and gets up at 5am so basically really long hours.
With all of the pros weighing the cons I'm just glad that Kyle has a good stable job. Below are some pictures of Kyle during his deployment. He got to reenlist a soldier! I'm so proud of Kyle and all that he has accomplished! Next month he will be promoted to 1st LT! Yay!

Kyle won the bull riding competition so he gave his acceptance speech.
When Kyle goes to work these 2 cling on to him not to leave...especially Lexi. She can't get enough of her Daddy! It's adorable but at the same time it leaves me with a crying little girl for a while.
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