How far along? Over 28 weeks!!
Total weight gain/loss: estimated 14
or 15 lbs.Maternity clothes? Starting to wear maternity shirts now but the shirt above is one of my few non maternity shirts that I still can wear.
marks? Nope! So far with all of my
pregnancys I've never had stretch marks and I hope I don't get any in the
future! Knock on Wood!Best moment this week: I bought the cutest onesie for our little baby! It has a heart Army ACU on the fron and bottom and an Army ACU pacifier holder! So cute! Can't wait to see her in it!Miss Anything? I miss being able to outrun my kids! ha!
Movement: Yes! She moves a lot now!
Food cravings: Jamba Juice-peach pleasure!
Anything making you queasy or sick: walking passed the meat section at the commissary makes me want to puck.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I feel like a whale now! Ha!
Gender: Girl, Still!
Labor Signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out? In, still but it's starting to make its way out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm very tired now. Luckily I have such good kids that help me out!
Looking forward to: Picking a name out! Still thinking of names...
1 comment:
Gorgeous! I love all your outfits! You should buy two every time you go shopping---one for me and one for you. ;) I love what you miss. Made me laugh out loud!
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