Friday, November 7, 2014

Baby McKinley

Baby McKinley Susan Kunz joined our family
October 18, 2014 at 10:13pm
weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. measuring 21 inches long
At 36 weeks McKinley dropped but at 38 weeks she floated back up.
Tricking us to think she was going to come soon. ha! for the next week and a half she kept going back and
forth. When I checked into the hospital on Oct. 18th at around 10 am I was dilated to a 4 at -2 station. After a couple of hours of labor McKinley floated back up and I was only dilated to a 5. Everyone thought for sure I would have her quickly since this is my 5th baby but she fooled us all! for the next 12 hours she kept doing the same thing....down and up.
They waited hours before breaking my water because they didn't want to risk breaking it while
she was floating and then have the umbilical cord wrap around her head or else come out first.
After many hours of little progress of dilation and after they broke my water I was given Pitocin to speed up
the labor process. I went super fast after they gave me a little Pitocin.
McKinley is such a good baby! She eats every 3-6 hours. She wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat.
She barely cries and loves to be held or cuddled! 



Mrs. Mecham said...

I love every single one of these pictures. You have a beautiful family and you are a beautiful momma.

Sarah said...

Your kids are so very cute! And you are beautiful. Congrats on your sweet new baby.

Dave and Lizzie said...

SOOOOO cute! I am so excited for you guys! She is just the sweetest little thing.. I just want to squeeze those little cheeks! And I can't believe how gorgeous you are, even just after you had a baby!