Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Casey and his cute sayings!

Me: Casey who's that? (as I point to Jesus)

Casey: uh, uh, thats Jesus

Me: Who's that? (as I point to Heavenly Father)

Casey: Heavenly Father

Me: who's that? (pointing to Joseph Smith)

Casey: that's his friend!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Halle!

My twin sister Alexis and her husband Mark had their adorable baby girl June 24th! She was 6 lbs 6 oz. and 19 inches longs. They still don't have a name for her yet but isn't she the cutest baby?! We're so happy to have another neice and another cousin for our kids to play with! The first picture is Alexis and Marks baby girl and the one on the bottom is of Lexi when she was a day old. Don't you think they look a like?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Perks of Oklahoma

Ever since we've gotten here Kyles had classes on Saturdays. Today he had to

certify with combatives and he did! Bonus feature he got to come home early so we

went to the U.S. Army Artillery Museum, tried Pusan Korean Restaurant

and ended with Ice Cream at Braums! It was a nice

fun day to spend with Kyle!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Fun Day!

Lexi decided to hop onto the laundry bucket when

Casey got under it.I guess he didn't prefer that.One of Lexi's favorite things to do.Lexi's face right before she cries for me to pick her up.Casey told Kyle he wanted to go into the box.

hand in hand

Lately I've been trying to get Lexi and Casey to

hold hands more so they will be used to helping

each other out. It's starting to work!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Kyle and his little shadow

Kyle was shaving and Casey decided he wanted

to do the same! He even likes to rinse his razor

the way his daddy does. After 2 days of being in the car this little

girl is still fine with getting into the car!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Late Hospital Visit

(me at just over 35 weeks. Sorry for not a good belly shot. Kyle

is gone all day and by the time he's home I forget to have him

take a side profile of myself.) Last night at around mid night I woke Kyle up because I was having really strong contractions that were coming every couple of minutes and getting closer and stronger. I told him I wanted to go to the hospital. So we loaded the kids in the car and headed to the hospital. I must say it was really interesting to see the way Kyle reacted when taking me to the hospital. We drove up to the gate to get on base and the man said to Kyle how the car wasn't registered (which is completely my fault since it's the one I drive and I was supposed to do that over the week) and that Kyle should set an example since he's an officer. I couldn't help but smile. But Kyle had no smile what so ever and said seriously to the man. "My wifes having contractions." haha. wow, Kyle was very stern which I rarely ever see him that way. He kind of made me nervous. So the guy let us go. He's never taken me to the hospital when I've been in labor and he acted nervous and and in a hurry. I checked in and found out I was already dialated to a couple of centimeters and they gave me terbutaline to stop me from going into labor since I'm 35 weeks. I only stayed in the hospital for a couple of hours until they made sure I had stopped contracting and dialating. I have to say I was actually relieved baby libby didn't come last night. I'm not prepared at all for her. No bag ready to go but I do have her swing and crib set up. Maybe in at least two more weeks I'll be more prepared.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

105 degrees

Wow! Lets just say the weather here in Oklahoma is HOT! it can get to 105 degrees. I'm definetly not used to the weather but it actually doesn't bother me and for some reason I don't feel like it's that humid here. The kids and I are enjoying being close to Kyle, although we haven't seen him since we arrived on Sunday. Kyle had to head out to the FOB (field on base) for this week so it was a sweet get together Sunday and than bye bye until Thursday night. Sad but we've been keeping busy getting me admitted into the hospital and doing a lot of paper work and going to dr. appointments. Only 4 weeks left! Sweet! The kids helped me set up the new baby swing my mom gave me and also a new crib I bought here! Fun stuff! Our apartment is really nice. Three bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The kids are staying in one bedroom and were staying in another. So if anyone wants to come to Oklahoma to visit theres a bedroom waiting here for you!! Theres a hobby lobby for you lovers not far from our place!:)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Goodbye Utah and Hello OKLAHOMA!!
we're moving to Oklahoma to be with Kyle this coming week!
I'm so excited!!!
Life will be different. I won't have family around. I won't know
anyone. But if I get to have Kyle come home
to me every night and will see
Libby come into this world. I'll be just fine!