Monday, August 26, 2013


At the beginning of July we got Casey's work books and after we went shopping for supplies! This month has been busy! Training meetings for me, Casey's school pictures, meeting his teacher and so forth. It has been a lot of running around! I'm loving homeschooling him though! The K12 program is great and he only has to go to HTA (Hawaii Technology Academy) once a week for an 1.5 hrs. where he'll review what I've already taught him. I love waking up at 5:30 am in the morning to a quiet house and teaching Casey one on one! I get to be there every step of the way! I've already seen how much he has progressed in the 3 weeks we've done homeschooling. It's crazy how much he'll consume in one days homeschooling. A lot of people wonder why I homeschool when I have 3 other kids. Well, Hawaii isn't known for their school education and 2nd I couldn't let Casey go to school for 6.5 hours a day! He's 5! That's way too long for a 5 year old to go to school in my opinion! 3rd how much would Casey really learn in a setting of 30-32 kids? Could Casey memorize the 7 continents, locate them on the math or globe and pledge of allegiance in less then 1 hour? probably not. But he did with me! I get to make sure he knows everything before moving on to another subject. I love it!

On Caseys first day of school I was the last parent to walk away and the first to show up to pick him up. I couldn't help but cry. I know. It's sad. He only left me for 1.5 hours but he's growing up so fast! 

Busy Busy

Life has been on the fast track for this family! Liberty came down with the flu. Thankfully she was the only one.
  Casey has been a big help!
 The kids have been getting into messes!
(This is Kyles method of cleaning up saw dust from the
kids hair).
 Our sweet Rachel is getting so big!
 She's trying to crawl!
 And trying to play with the outlets!
And doing push-ups!
 On the weekend we let them stay up
and watch epic. They only lasted 30 minutes
passed their bedtime.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

oh so cute at 6 months!

Baby Rachel is over 6 months now!
Time is flying! Can we please have it stop?!
She's already holding her own bottle, rolling over, scooting backwards,
sucking her thumb, sleeping through the night, eating solids, and still
being her adorable self! Smiles all around!
 I love peeking at her in the middle of the night just
to see her!
 Casey and Lexi enjoyed feeding Rachel while
I sat back and watched!