Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Marriage Tag

1. When was your "engagement" anniversary: February 14th Valentines Day!!
2. When is your "marriage" anniversary: July 19th!
3. How long have you known your spouse: 2 1/2 years!
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged: 4 months!
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time? Hiking the Y!!
6. What is your spouses full name: Kyle Bartholomew Kunz
7. Do you have any children yet: One adorable little boy!
8. How many: One for right now!
9. Do you have any house pets: No way! We don't prefer pets and won't have any living inside the house.
10. Do you own a house or rent: Well, we will be renting in May.
11. Do you live in the country or town/city: City
12. What is one of your favorite activities together: We love to go eat at Sam Hawk and then head over to watch a movie at the dollar theater.
13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot: Hawaii is our favorite vacation spot so far! We hope to live there in the future!
14. How many siblings (including in-laws) do you have: 12
15. Do you enjoy your in-law: Yes
16. Does your spouse get along with your family: Yes! Kyle is even close with my twin sister which turns out perfect!
17. Do you work or stay at home: I would call myself a homemaker!
18. Where did you go on your honeymoon: We went to Park City for our honeymoon! It was so much fun!
19. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples: My advice for other couples would be to enjoy every moment you have with your spouse!
I tag:

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