Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Coming to an End

Our living status here in Oklahoma is coming to an End. I can't believe we're only going to be here for 2 more weeks and than off to Hawaii. I have to say I didn't prefer the dirty city much, I guess I was spoiled living in Utah but the upside to living here is that I have met some Amazing People who I'll never forget! I won't miss all the stares from people thinking I'm crazy for having 3 kids. Lol. I absolutely LOVE to tell those who say anything about how many kids I have that WE'RE NOT THROUGH!! and I LOVE to see their faces drop.:) What happened to our society?! They think having kids are a burden or that its unacceptable. Kids are quite the opposite of that. Having Casey, Liberty, and Lexi has blessed our lives. There are days of hectic chaos but when I see Casey and Lexi give each other hugs and kisses without us telling them to it erases all those crazy days and makes me grateful for our children. I'm going to miss our friends here but I'm excited to make new friends in Hawaii and I'm sure the stares won't stop there!!


Dave and Lizzie said...

I'm so excited for you guys and the opportunities you're experiencing! I wish we lived closer to each other so our kids could play. The other day I was dropping something off at your moms and Mason kept asking if he could go in and play with Casey.

Molly said...

I have thought the same thing about kids...especially being in a new place. I just have to remind myself that our family will be close and enjoy each other regardless. Your kids are so adorable by the way...and I know I keep saying that! I'm excited for you and HAWAII.

Ben and Nanci Hanks said...

Your kids are so beautiful-you guys better have 13!