Friday, September 24, 2010


Well Kyle and I have some AWESOME NEWS!! We found out that Kyle got MILITARY INTELLIGENCE ACTIVE DUTY yesterday! We're so excited to know what He'll be doing for the next 4 years in the military and I'm so proud he got EXACTLY what he wanted! It's so hard to get M.I. and especially active duty M.I. and all that hard work has paid off for him! Next month we'll find out where we'll be stationed and where he'll go to for (OBC) Officer Basic Course)! I'm so happy that the ? of what our military future is being revealed...slowly.

Also on a different note Lexi has 2 teeth now! She got her second tooth 2 days after her first tooth broke through her gums!


Dave and Lizzie said...

Awesome!! So glad you're so happy.

Sarah said...

YAY! Congrats Kyle and Alaynia. I can't wait to find out where you guys will end up! Good luck :)

Tucker & Tiffany said...

That is great!! That is one of the more frustrating things about the military is not ever really knowing what is going to happen. So glad he was able to get that position! I assume you guys will probably be moving then to where he is stationed? Good luck!

Aaron and Julie said...

Two teeth wow!! She is growing up so fast!! Congrats to Kyle!!